Static Evaluation of Anatomical Glenoid Locking Mechanism in ASTM F 1829 Shear Stress
ASTM F2028 Dynamic Evaluation of Glenoid Relaxation and Dissociation
ASTM F1264 Test Methods for Intramedullary Fixation Devices
ASTM F1541 Test Methods for Exoskeleton Fixation Devices
ASTM F 2346 Characterization and Fatigue Test for Spinal Intervertebral Disc Prosthesis
ASTM F2193 Standard Specifications and Test Methods for Components Used in the Surgical Fixation of the Spinal Skeletal System
ISO 6892-1 Metallic Materials - Tensile Test
ASTM F2887 Standard Specification for Total Elbow Prostheses
ASTM F1717 Test Methods for SpinalImplant Structures in a Vertebrectomy Model
ASTM F1798 Standard Guide for Evaluating the Static and Fatigue Properties of Interconnect Mechanism and Sub-Assemblies Used in SpinalArthrodesis Implants
ASTM F 2077 Test Methods for Intervertebral Body Fusion Devices
ASTM F 2267 Standard Test Method for Measuring Load-Related Loading of an Intervertebral Body Fusion Device Under Static Axial Compression
ASTM F 382 Standard Specification and Test Method for Metallic Bone Plates
ASTM F 384 Standard Specification and Test Methods for Metallic Angle Orthopedic Fracture Fixation Devices
ASTM F 543 Standard Specification and Test Methods for Metallic Medical Bone Screws
Knee Prosthesis
ISO 14243 Abrasion Test for Knee-joint Prosthesis
ISO 14879 Determination of Knee Tibial Tray Endurance Properties
ASTM F1800 Cyclic Fatigue Testing of Metal Tibial Tray Components of Total Knee Joint Changes
ASTM F 2777 Knee Bearing Endurance and Deformation Under High Flexion
ASTM F 2722 Standard Practice for Evaluating Mobile Bearing Knee Tibial Baseplate Rotational Postures
ASTM F 2724 Mobile Bearing Knee Dislocation Evaluation
ASTM F1223 Standard Test Method for Determining Total Knee Prosthesis Restriction
Components for ISO 7207 Partial and Total Knee-Joint Prosthesis
Hip Prosthesis
ISO 14242 Abrasion Test for Total Hip-Joint Prostheses
ISO 7206 Hip Implant Tests
ASTM F1820 Standard Test Method for Determining Disassembly Forces of Modular Acetabular Devices