ATACERT's environmental policy


  • ATACERT carries out approximately 90% of its business in virtual environment in order to prevent paper waste within the company and within the framework of its business. If paper needs to be used and the papers are reusable, ATACERT minimizes the waste of paper by utilizing every space of the paper as draft. ATACERT knows that a ton of paper means the slaughter of 14 trees.
  • ATACERT includes “WASTE BATTERY PUMPS” within the company. It sends the accumulated batteries to the relevant disposal companies. ATACERT knows that a battery can only decompose in 300 years in nature.
  • ATACERT takes care to supply its drinkable water consumption from glass bottles, not from PET bottles. ATACERT knows that a plastic bottle can only be dissolved in 1000 years in nature.
  • ATACERT human resources & accounting department does not encourage to issue a new debit card (for salary), it arranges a payment plan from the bank whose account is active. ATACERT knows that a credit card/debit card can only be dissolved in 200 years in nature.
  • ATACERT donates food waste to street animals during the day against food waste.
  • At the same time, ATACERT is stray animal friendly. It periodically provides financial assistance to non-profit organizations in order to meet the necessary needs of stray animals. When these aids are spent as food, water, shelter, medical intervention, and toys, we are informed.
  • Considering the atmosphere balance, ATACERT feeds plants in its office and donates seedlings to the nurseries at certain intervals. He lovingly protects his saplings and admires their growth. ATACERT knows that a tree brings 114 kg of oxygen per year to nature.
  • ATACERT does not throw away its electronic wastes, but donates the relevant waste to the relevant repair companies. ATACERT knows that since electronic waste contains plastic, it dissolves in nature within 400-500 years.

Finally, ATACERT employs conscious personnel with ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems certificate.